I feel excited to share the news that our paper “Fun-SAT: Functional Corruptibility-Guided SAT-Based Attack on Sequential Logic Encryption” has been accepted for publication at IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) 2021. Great thanks to my co-author YUKE ZHANG, our advisors Prof. Pierluigi Nuzzo and Prof. Peter Beerel, and the help from our team members Kaixin Yang and Dake Chen. In this paper, we introduce Fun-SAT, a functional corruptibility-guided SAT-based attack that can significantly decrease the SAT solving and model checking time of a SAT-based attack on sequential encryption by efficiently estimating the minimum required number of circuit unrollings. Fun-SAT relies on a notion of functional corruptibility for encrypted sequential circuits and its relationship with the required number of circuit unrollings in a SAT-based attack.
